Sunday, October 14, 2012

Truly great thoughts are conceived by walking

This is on a sign that I pass whenever I walk the north section of the Tom Taylor trail.  I don't know about great, but thoughts do appear when walking.  It's a great way to clear the mind, or mull over things.

Walking along the river, through the trees, listening to the ducks and geese, is the perfect place to think about writing, coming up with ideas for a story, or fixing a part that just isn't quite right.

It's a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, it's just missing the word 'all' at the beginning.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I want my back, back

My back has been bothering me again lately.  It was sore all day Sun and Mon so I decided it was time to go to a chiropractor.  There is one a block away, so I made an appointment.  Went in Thursday, and she did scans on my spine and neck, and pressed down looking for sore spots.  My lower back was particularly sore, and just laying on the chiro bed hurt.

Went in today to review my scans and have my first adjustments.  Surprisingly, the bad spots were not in my lower back, but in my neck area.  Seems that can cause problems elsewhere as my body tries to compensate.  The adjustment was different from the last time I went to a chiro.  That was probably 10 years ago. Rather than 'cracking' my bones, pressing on the spine and snapping my neck, she use a tool that pressed on specific spots. 

My spine was not particularly cooperative, so she did one old time adjustment, and did get a small crack from my spine.  Have to go in 3 times a week for the first month, then I get scanned again.

My shoulders are a little stooped, and my right hip is raised.  It's not noticeable, and I was picturing a little old lady all hunched over and bent.  Don't want to be her. :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Much needed rain

Well, the weatherman was correct today.  Thunder storm, lightning and rain.  Unfortunately, I was out walking when it started.  Parked at Fairy Lake as usual, then walked north on the trail. Was about 10 minutes from the car when it started. Only spitting, so no big deal. Went over to the car, ditched the water and grabbed the brolly.  Headed south, and part way down, the sky opened up.  Cut the walk short and headed back.

Just before the heavy rain started, I saw my first deer in I don't know how long.  It was in the long grass and was completely out of site by the time I got the camera out of my pocket.  Oh well.  Only walked for a couple of minutes after that when I decided to turn around  due to the wind and rain and head back to the car.  My shoes were so wet I felt like I was walking through a swamp.  My pants were stuck to my legs.  Totally gross feeling. Did manage to get 2 hours in though. 

Now I'm home, dry, and having my coffee.  What to do?  Go through all the crap in the unused dining room and re-arrange things? Go through one of the many boxes that have been in the basement since I moved 6 years ago?  Won't even mention the boxes in the garage. Maybe since I'm so comfy on the sofa, I can finish the first draft of the short story I had originally started with the intention of entering it in the Bloody Words contest - the deadline was May I believe.

Maybe I'll do some homework for my genealogy program.  Caught up on two weeks worth last night. Maybe not. :)

I'll decide while I'm finishing my coffee.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Canada Day

Another birthday for Canada has arrived.  My home town of Aurora shares it's birthday with Canada.  Aurora was incorporated in 1888, so it will be celebrating 125 years  in 2013.  From what I've read the Town Council can't decide what to do and wants to waste a bunch of money to hire someone to plan it.  Hello!  Town volunteers will do a much better job as they actually will care.

The town started out as Machell's Corners because the first merchant to set up shop at the corner of Yonge and Wellington was Richard Machell (1804). The railway came through Aurora in 1863, and it was the childhood home of Lester Pearson, when his father was the Methodist Minister. Oh, do I smell a story there?  LOL .  Jim Carey also spent some time as a child in Aurora, and supposedly Tie Domi did as well.

The town was awarded The Prince of Wales Prize for Municipal Heritage Leadership in 2008, and in 2009 received the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Community Leadership in heritage conservation and promotion.

I started the day off by expanding my daily walk from 2  hrs to just over 3 hrs. Tried a section of the trail in East Gwillimbury that I haven't been on before.  Will try to incorporate that into my daily walk from now on. My feet hurt for the first time. :)  Went to Walmart on the way home and bought some gel insoles.  Will see if they make a difference.  I may just have to break down and buy new runners.  The one's I have are for walking, but they are a couple of years old, so the support is probably not what it once was.

Didn't see any new critters on my walk, but did see the Canada Geese having a bath in Fairy Lake (Newmarket).

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Writers Group

Had a chat with one of the members of my old writers group today.  We disbanded last fall, and I haven't written much since. Been messing around with short stories, but haven't touched either of my books. 

Hopefully we will get it going again this fall.  She is moving Labour Day weekend, and has offered her house for the meetings.  Fingers crossed that the old members are still interested.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Georgina Highland Gathering

Went to my first Highland event today. Saw the pipers, a little bit of sheep herding, and watched part of the stone throwing competition between the Fire Fighters and the Cops.  Don't know who won. Maybe the website will post later.

Might go to the Durham Highland event later this summer.  It's a 3-dayer, but I'll only go for 1 day, if I attend

My video of the pipers seems to be so large, it just took forever to upload, so I cancelled it.  Instead, here's 7 seconds of the caber toss sample during the opening ceremonies.  This little video took long enough to upload!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Turtle update

Emailed my pictures to Ontario Nature. Turns out they are snapping turtles, and they want to include them in their Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas.  Apparently snappers are being hunted, so Ontario Nature has a report about it here.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Turtles in Newmarket

Went on my daily walk this morning and was quite surprised to find out there are turtles in Newmarket. I guess it's not really surprising that there are turtles living near water, but it just never occurred to me that they would be in town.  Tons of birds, squirrels and chipmunks. Lots of geese and ducks - guess they fall under the bird category. :)  Even saw a muskrat, I think, and a few bunnies.

Not sure what type of turtles they are.  Saw one on the east trail, and another about 20 minutes later on the west trail. Possibly Wood Turtles???? They were at least 12-16" long.
Turtle on the east trail
Turtle on the west trail

Thursday, June 7, 2012

First Publication

After the Bloody Words conference was over I decided to follow up on a submission I made way back in February.  Was getting regular updates until March, then nothing.

Well, I got an email today saying it was accepted.  Don't know the publication date yet, but it's being published.  Keep me away from sharp objects as I may pop!

The only payment is publication, but who cares. It's my first fiction publication, and it's not a newsletter for a society.  Yippee - Happy Dance.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diabetes update

Well, I've just passed my first month after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Fortunately I was not put on any medication, just have to exercise every day, and loose weight.

I've been walking almost every day after work for about 1 hr, and Saturday and Sunday mornings for 2 to 2-1/4 hrs. So far I've lost 13 pounds. Been eating properly too. Staying away from the vending machine at work, well most days anyway.

If I keep this up I should be in pretty good shape by the time I go on my cruise next  year.

Goal for September 2012 - almost there already.

Took this on one of my walks.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bloody Words Conference 2012

Well, my very first Bloody Words Conference has come and gone. I really enjoyed it.  I hate to admit it, but I don't read Canadian Authors. Had no clue there were so many that wrote mysteries and crime. Looking forward to reading the freebies that were in the bag they handed out to attendees. I now have a pretty long list of people to investigate.

During one of the workshops I came up with a new name for my historical novel. The current title was just a little too telling. Not really sure what triggered the title, but I thought of it during the "cozy" panel. It started out as William, simply because I needed a name to save the file. It went to Murder in Woodlands, and now it's Full Circle.  I haven't worked on it all all this year, so time to get the fingers moving.  Will also have to pay more attention to the blog.

Been busy working on a cemetery transcript for the Genealogical Society, and it was handed in for publication last week. Too bad those don't count as 'being published.'

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Writing Conferences

I've registered for 2 writings conferences this year. The Ontario Writers Conference in Ajax. This will be the 3rd year for me. In May.

Also registered for Bloody Words in Toronto.  First time for that one. This is a 3 day in June.